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    GM Project B.2  Case Studies of Motor Vehicle Fires

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DOT/GM Project B.2
Case Studies of Motor Vehicle Fires

Scheibe, Robert R., Shields, Leland E., and Angelos, Timothy E., "Field Investigation of Motor Vehicle Collision-Fires," (1999) Docket # NHTSA-1998-3588-70, Washington State Transportation Center, SAE Paper Number 1999-01-0088.

Shields, Leland E., "Case Studies of Motor Vehicle Collision Fires," (April 21, 1998) Docket # NHTSA-1998-3588-98, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Government/Industry Meeting, Washington, DC.

Shields, Leland E., Scheibe, Robert R., and Angelos, Timothy E., "Motor-Vehicle Collision-Fire Analysis Methods and Results," (November 1998) Docket # NHTSA-1998-3588-77, Washington State Transportation Center.

Shields, Leland E., Scheibe, Robert R., Angelos, Timothy E., and Mann, Robert, "Case Studies of Motor Vehicle Fires," (January 2001) Docket # NHTSA-1998-3588-164, Washington State Transportation Center.